Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I commented on tracy's blog abot dealing with a disease called psoriasis and learning to grow from the criticism and how she wants to help children make the right choices in life by going to school for early childhood education.

Interracial Relationships

Looking back in history to the early 60's, it would be a crime to see a black male with a white female, but that's supposed to be history right? Why does it seem like we are still in the 60's. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 7 years, but no matter where we go we get the ackward looks. I am African American and she is hispanic and caucasian. I thought that after Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" speech things would have changed. It seemed to shortly change back in the day, but it seems like racism has not left. Will racism ever leave our world?

People stereotype black men as being ignorant, gang members, low lifes, etc. But I grew up with great family values and I hate to admit but I am a "mama's boy." I believe it is people's choices that make them who they are and that is how stereotypes begin. I am not ignorant, and I'm definitely not a gang member. Why should I be judged off the color my skin? Why should my girlfriend get crap for being with me? People make it seem like her IQ just dropped by 15% by being with a black male.

It's just funny to me how no matter how happy you are people will still judge you on the way you look. Kinda of going back to Tracy's blog about getting judged because she had a disease that made her look "different" she got judged and people made her feel uncomfortable. Well people make me uncomfortable when I go to a fancy club with my girlfriend and people look at us like we aren't good enough to be there. Tracy and myself can't help the way we look. God made us this way for a reason.

When will our society learn that it's not the color of our skin that makes us who we are, its how we are inside that makes us who we are. My girlfriend and I should be able to go to any church we want to and get married and not have to worry about if the pastor will do it or not. There are still churches in the South that are totally against interracial marriages. Why is this? Where is the rule that says you have to marry within your own race? If someone knows where that rule is and you please let me know? Until then, i dont think my girlfriend and I should have to worry about other people's feelings. Not that we care much, but it's still very irritating when it happens ALL the time.

Below is the infamous "I have a dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A little about myself

Hello everyone,

My name is Orlando Ratliff. I am going to be 23 years old very soon. I have finally choosen the right career path which is Criminial Justice Administration. I am hoping Triton can help me do that. I have procrastinated for many years about attending school, but with a few people pushing me to do so, I am here now.

The reason I want to go into Criminal Justice is because I want to help people in the time of need. I do want start working in the jails first before i go on the street just to ease into this fast pace career. I have a good handful of family members who are in this field. I hope this will help me get a job because people usually say if you have an "in person" it is much easier to get a job. I also want to work in Criminial Justice because it has a good sense of job security.

I think everyone comes to a point in their life where they say to themselves " I have to do something now" otherwise you may not get anywhere in life. I'm basically proving to myself that I can do this even though it is rough going back to school after so many years of being out.

So there's a little something about me. I hope you all like it. Feel free to blog back. Thanks.